From TCM to a Boundless State of Being – My Journey to Standing in My Truth

Gratitude for a Steady Foundation

For many years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has provided me with a steady foundation. It has been a platform where I built my practice and connected with many clients, and I am deeply grateful for all I have learned along the way.

Limitations and the Need for Freedom

As I have walked this path, I have also felt the ways in which the system and its expectations have limited me. TCM is remarkable, but its frameworks and structures no longer align with my growing need to work without boundaries. I have reached a point where I must stand in a boundless state of being – a place where I can offer the most profound treatments tailored to the client’s unique needs in the moment.

Facing the Truth Without Facades

For my clients, this change might not seem dramatic, as I have already subtly incorporated these limitless energies within the framework of TCM. But for me, leaving TCM behind is a monumental shift. It means standing fully in the flow of the higher frequencies that now guide my life and work. It means removing facades and systems to meet each individual in the limitless potential of energy.

Transitioning to Higher Frequencies

This step represents a shift to allow my treatments, guidance, and creations to flow freely from the source that has always been present – the one we often associate with 5D. Wellness benefits don’t cover pure energy-healing sessions, and previously this was one reason I continued offering TCM on my website. But I now realize that this choice has held back my own energy. I’ve compromised to fit into frameworks that are no longer mine.

The Fire as a Symbol of Liberation

Yesterday, when I placed my old TCM charts into the fire, I did so with a sense of gratitude and reverence. They have been a vital part of my journey, but it is now time to release them and let my truth flow freely – from a place deeply rooted in the frequencies of light and abundance.

The transformation of fire
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