Glowing souls in the play of darkness

This poem portrays the relationship between light and darkness, inspired by the magical feeling I experienced while standing in the forest, capturing this image below.

Two souls find strength both in their own and their shared glow. Surrounded by shadows and fears, they stand unshaken, free, and untouched, by allowing the light to embrace them. Their connection changes everything around them, and together they shine like a pulsing heartbeat in the rhythm of the forest.

Glowing Souls

Two souls, glowing in stillness,
surrounded by the silence of the dark.

They allow themselves to be embraced by the light,
making it their own,
unmoved by what lurks in the shadows around them.

The darkness is not theirs,
it is merely a play of fear.

Their connection changes everything,
like glowing heartbeats in the rhythm of the forest.

In each other's light,
in each other's presence,
they stand unshaken and free,
without losing themselves.

~ Duveroth

Two Glowing Trees, photo by Duveroth

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